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This could be happening due to the following reasons:

1- You received a message with an attachment that your device is not able to process due to lack of high connectivity. In this case, simply delete the message from your inbox and ask your contact to resend the file; then try opening the message again. If the issue persists, please contact support@squealock.com

2- You probably updated to a latest version of Squealock which might have required that you completely uninstall the old one first. It could also be because your old private key is still stored on your device, and cannot be used to decrypt messages received from someone using the latest app version. To resolve this problem, keep trying exchanging a few messages with your contact to see if the issue goes away after a couple of tries. If it doesn't, simply uninstall the app, and then reinstall it and login using the same credentials, and voilĂ ! You should then be able to exchange messages with other users without the app crashing when you open a received message. If your recipients can't open your messages after you reinstall the application, simply make sure they uninstall and reinstall as well, then have them message you after they log back into the system.

This issue is mainly due to a network issue. On the second or third try, it usually works fine. If the issue persists however, please send us a message at support@squealock.com.

Here is why this may be happening:

When your message sender is experiencing poor Wi-Fi or data connectivity while the message is being sent; simply turning the Wi-Fi or phone data off and back on should resolve this issue, once they resend the message.

When you message an iOS user and they take a screenshot of your message, you will receive a notification that tells you who took the screenshot. Such notification is not related to a new message, but rather to simply inform you of the screenshot.

If the notification you are seeing is not screenshot related however, it may be to data connectivity. In that case, simply exit the Inbox page, close the app, and return to it. You message should then appear. We do recommend that you wait a few seconds after you access the "Inbox" page in some cases, for your message to load.

Safi uses a combination of AES and RSA encryption algorithms to ensure user data and messages are not exposed to any third parties. The following steps explain how the encryption-decryption process works.

Keys Generation:

1. Public and private RSA keys are generated on the server. The public key is shared with every user whenever the user logs in.
2. Public and private RSA keys are also generated for each user when they open the app for the first time.
3. When the user logs in, their public RSA key is shared with the server while the private key remains on the device.

AES Encryption:

1. Whenever a user sends a message, a unique AES key is generated for this new message.
2. The message is encrypted using the AES key generated in the above step.

RSA Encryption:

After AES Encryption, RSA Encryption occurs in two different places. Firstly, when the message is saved to the remote database, and secondly when the message is sent to the other user via Socket.

RSA Encryption when the message is saved to a remote database:

1. The AES key generated in the AES encryption step is encrypted using the server's public RSA key.
2. The encrypted message and the encrypted AES key are now saved on the server.

RSA Encryption when the message is sent to the other user via Socket:

1. Once the message is saved using the API, the API returns the public RSA keys of the receiver of that message.
2. Now the RSA public key received in the above step is used to encrypt the AES key generated in the AES encryption step, and the encrypted AES key and encrypted message are sent to the receiver via Socket.

RSA decryption:

As the RSA encryption takes place in two different steps, RSA decryption also takes place in two different steps and both steps are listed below.

RSA decryption when the message is accessed from the remote database:

1. As the message saved on the server is encrypted using an AES key and that AES key is encrypted using the server's public RSA key, when the user accesses that message, the server decrypts the AES key using its private RSA key.
2. Once the AES key is decrypted using the server's private RSA key, it is now encrypted using the requesting user's public RSA key.
3. The above two steps happen at the server-side and the server then sends the encrypted message and encrypted AES key to the requesting user.
4. Once the user receives the encrypted message and encrypted AES key, the encrypted AES key is decrypted using the user's public RSA key.
5. Once the AES key is decrypted, the encrypted message is now decrypted using the decrypted AES key and is ready to view or save to the local database.

RSA decryption when the message is received via Socket:

1. As the message sent through Socket is encrypted using an AES key, and that AES key is encrypted using the receiver's public RSA key, the encrypted AES key is decrypted using the receiver's private key once the message is received on the user's device.
2. Once the AES key is decrypted, the encrypted message is then decrypted using the decrypted AES key, and the message is now ready to view or save to the local database.

This issue is due to poor data or Wi-Fi connectivity either one your end or on the caller's end. Simply turn your connection OFF and back ON to see if this issue is resolved, or contact support@squealock.com for assistance.

First, make sure you have enabled video by pressing the video icon on the call interface. if this doesn't solve the problem, you are likely experiencing a poor internet connectivity issue, in which case the screen defaults a voice call screen, even during video calls.

1- Once you log into the application, simply access the app's settings page, then press "Change my user ID".

2- On the next screen, enter your current user ID in the "Old user ID" field, your current password and your new user ID of choice in their respective fields, then press "Change ID".v

Upon registration, you will be shown a randomly generated code which you should keep in a safe place, as it is required to change or reset your password. If you have this code, simply press the "Forgot password" option on the login screen and follow the instructions to get your password changed.

As cyber attacks become more sophisticated through spoofing and phishing, our company's focus has been on shrinking end user's digital footprint, and preventing your messages from being exposed to unauthorized parties, or used for blackmailing. Our secure messaging client accomplishes that by collecting the least amount of data (also encrypted on server) possible and allowing users to communicate using their own user IDs that can be changed at anytime, with no phone number, email or contact list access requirements. Squealock Systems' Signature Selective Blocking allows you to have full control over who can have access to you, and what files they are able to send you.

Squealock Systems's proprietary Changeable user ID and selective blocking functionalities are only available in our secure messaging client. What's more, our messaging client does not keep logs of any conversation while in Stealth Mode, and destroys all traces of messages once they are read.

If you are unable to log into your account, first check and make sure you are entering the correct user ID and password. You can also reset your password, if forgotten.

If you are using an Android device, and believe this is not the issue,
-Try rebooting your device by turning it OFF and then back ON
- Check your phone to see if data is enabled.
-If using WI-FI, go to Settings > Wi-Fi. From the menu button choose "Advanced" Keep Wi-Fi on during sleep, and make sure it is set to Always or Only when plugged in

If you are using an iOS device, -Try rebooting your device by turning it OFF and then back ON - Check your phone to see if data is enabled. -If using WI-FI, go to Settings > Wi-Fi , and check if you are connected to the right network.

If you are still having issues after trying these steps, please contact your mobile provider so they can help you determine whether your connection is correctly set up on your phone.